Monday, March 14, 2011

Motivational Mondays

Well it looks like someone has a case of the Mondays. Is it you? Is your boss or loved ones telling you that you're just not motivated today? Rather than fighting through this weekly apathy with half a pot of coffee or an extra-large Chili Four Loko, we at RKP bring you our inaugural(and hopefully weekly) Motivational Monday. So sit back fine Weekend Warrior, save Sandstorm for Friday afternoon where it belongs, and get motivated!

Maybe fear is what motivates you, head nod to PITB for the correct terminology.

We're not sure what the Sedins are, but we know we love them! You too can be just like them if you follow the RKP 5 easy steps.

We love it when Burrows is playing well, but it's when he's speaking to the media that he sounds as smooth as velour.

Feeling motivated yet? If not, maybe you need a little...

Finally, we here at RKP are not above a cheap laugh. If you're not motivated by now, there's no hope... Or is there?