Monday, March 14, 2011

The Interview Bomber: What You Didn't See

Those of us Canucks fans that don't currently live under rocks have come to love the hilarity in Kesler's apparent obsession with what he calls "Interview Bombing." Kes' first real stand-out appearance came during a mundane Raffi Torres interview and perhaps became most celebrated after the big win in San Jose the other night when fans saw him wearing Lui's mask while Schneider was being interviewed. The Canucks and their online team have taken full advantage of Kesler's antics, and some people have even gone as far as naming blogs after the ordeal (weirdos). But, while released this compilation video, they seem to have missed some pretty important ones away from the dressing rooms of the NHL:

Who doesn't remember the monumental occasion on November 7th, 2009, when then new President Obama held his first ever press conference? Obama represented change, and Americans thought they had found the solution to their recession. One American, however, was happier to just witness the occasion from the President's point of view...

Earlier that year on February 9th, 2009, Alex Rodriguez rocked the sporting world when he held a press conference to publicly admit to taking steroids. Everyone was so shocked and appalled at A-Rod, that no one seemed to notice who was "Keslurking" in the background...

With that evidence in mind, we should no longer be surprised to see our favourite perennial Selke candidate lurking in the back of an interview with that lovable shit-eating grin on his face.


  1. Surprising the secret service never jumped him.

  2. HAHAHAHAHA this made my day! :D

  3. Keslurking.... that's pretty good actually haha.
